The work of the Lithops Research & Conservation Foundadtion is presently privately funded by the four current members. However, a grant from the British Cactus and Succulent Society in 2016 enabled the LR&CF to fence the area where the initial reintroduction of Lithops schwantesii subsp. gebseri was completed in April 2017.
The foundation has also been fortunate enough to secure extra funding. The directors of the Lekkerbly Tours & Safaris travel company based in The Netherlands have, during a visit in May 2017 to Alte Kalköfen, pledged to give the Foundation N$100 for every tourist that books a holiday to Namibia and visits Alte Kalköfen Lodge. The first donation from Lekkerbly was received late in 2017 and these funds will be an invaluable help in financing the research of the Foundadtion in the coming months and years.