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Fig 11. Lithops meyeri in the Richtersveld. This very large population, north of Lekkersing, was visited on 20 March 2018. Although there had been very little rain before visiting the colony most of the plants were in a fair condition. However, the remains of some plants, especially multi-headed plants were obvious.

Fig 12. The characteristic ochre yellow Lithops schwantesii schwantesii marthae at the type locality on the Pockenbank Mountains. In this area, being hit by one of the worst droughts for many decades, the few plants found were small but still in fair condition.

Fig 13. Lithops pseudotruncatella groendrayensis 10 days after good rains at Karanas. This vast population in the white quartzite field is probably the largest Lithops colony in Namibia consisting of many thousands of plants.

Fig 14. Lithops ruschiorum near Henties Bay. These plants, that survive largely due to the fog that frequently moves as far as 40km inland from the coast, were in good condition during the visit to the colony on 1 April 2018.

Fig 15. Lithops pseudotruncatella pseudotruncatella riehmerae at the type locality south-east of Windhoek.

Fig 16. Lithops pseudotruncatella volkii after good rain at the type locality south of Windhoek.

Fig 17. Lithops pseudotruncatella pseudotruncatella pseudotruncatella (*alpina) flowering late afternoon on 2 April 2018

Fig 18. Lithops pseudotruncatella pseudotruncatella pseudotruncatella (*alpina) with a young 2-year old plant. Many young plants were seen in the remainder of this colony which was partly destroyed a few years earlier when the farmer ploughed the field where a large part of the colony grew. The present colony is still several hundred plants strong. The LRCF will monitor this population over the next few years and has made contact with the landowner and the local people in an attempt to prevent any further damage to the colony in this area of housing development.

Fig 19. A lovely reddish-brown Lithops pseudotruncatella pseudotruncatella pseudotruncatella (*alpina).

Fig 20. Lithops vallis-mariae growing in grey calcrete at the colony near Berseba, Namibia. This small colony consisting of less than 20 plants has been stable for many years despite being very close to human activities and an animal watering point. One new young plant, (estimated to be three years old) was found in the colony.

Fig 21. The very pale form of Lithops schwantesii schwantesii marthae in flower. Several of the plants in this colony are individually marked and have been monitored for the past four years.

Fig 22. A group of pale Lithops fulviceps fulviceps at the Cole locality C415.

Fig 23. A green individual plant in a Lithops karasmontana karasmontana aiaisensis colony near the type locality of this taxon.

Fig 24. Lithops karasmontana karasmontana karasmontana in good condition after good rain at the colony near Grünau.

Fig 25. Lithops hermetica in poor condition as no rain had fallen in the Sperrgebiet at the time that the colony was visited.

Fig 26. Lithops comptonii comptonii looking to swell to its full potential when rain falls.

Fig 27. Lithops comptonii weberi.

Fig 28. Lithops comptonii weberi.


Alte Kalköfen Lodge. Namibia

©2017 by Lithops Foundation.

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