After two years of not being able to visit the Lithops werneri colony in the Erongo Mountains due to the farm being closed to visitors, the members of the LR&CF visited the colony again in May 2019 to assess the health of the two colonies known to exist.
The farm had some good rain two weeks before our visit and thus the plants were in excellent condition in both the colonies. Many of the hollow areas in the rock domes still held water from the earlier rain. There was no sign of damage to the area by the Mountain Zebra as often before and despite a well below average rainfall period during the past few years many young plants were found in the colonies.
The healthy state of the colonies was reported to the owners and we thank them for allowing us access to the colonies in order to monitor these plants.

The Erongo Rock Formations near to the Lithops werneri colonies.

A single headed Lithops werneri plant pushing a flower bud two weeks after rain.

A grouping of Lithops werneri plants well camouflaged among the grey-white grit.

A perfect Lithops werneri single headed plant well camouflaged among the grit.

Two different looking Lithops werneri plants growing side-by-side.

A perfect Lithops werneri single headed plant well camouflaged among the grit.